02/11/10 03:46 PM
Re: Biodegradable shot shell wad cups

Nontypical - I really am not trying to be contrary or rattle your cage. I am in the construction management business and deal with all of this stuff daily. I am working on two projects right now that are going for LEED certification. Quite frankly, I'm up to my neck in renewable this and sustainable that. For the most part, I'd say 75% - 90% is pure stupidity and a huge waste of money. Waterless toilets? That's a friggin' litter box. Those are for cats, not humans!! Solar panels on the roof? Have you seen the efficacy ratings on those things? You would be more cost effective burning dollar bills to generate electricity!! do you know how much paperwork and extra $$$ it costs to get a plaque on the wall of your building to show everyone how much you love the planet than everyone else? It is obscene and Al Gore is making millions on it. I could go on and on and on with the stupidity I see daily, all in the name of "green."

If a product or activity it truly damaging the environment and can be shown to be dangerous, by all means, let's work to find a better way. I am a huge proponent of environmental laws that protect us all from toxic waste dumps in or back yards, polluting our rivers, streams and watersheds, creating air pollution that clearly can damage our lungs and bodies, etc, etc., etc... Where I draw the line is unproven theory that aims to be presented as fact and then laws passed in the name of "green" or "environmentally responsible." There are many that want us living in mud hunts, eating only the berries we can pick off the bushes and limiting our freedoms and liberties, all in the name of "environmentalism." As a result of all this, I've become more than a little skeptical.

I think your wads are fine idea and I wish you well with them. I do worry about the success of this product creating additional regulations and I don't think you have to be paranoid to have that concern. We wouldn't have seen the banning of halon if it weren't for the environmental kooks screaming that it was a danger to the planet and claiming there were alternative methods for extinguishing fires. Most fire suppression experts will tell you that halon was and is the best for fire suppression. Now we know the junk science used to ban it was mostly chicken little-type screaming and we are worse off without it. I doubt shotguns wads will have the same impact on society, as a whole but let's not kid ourselves about the principles involved here. Once the kooks at the MCD or worse, the feds, see this product succeed, it is just a matter of time before it will become mandatory.

Sorry for the ramble. I'm climbing off the soapbox now...

Cary on...

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